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 I started studying virtually so many teachers had to adapt to the circumstances, we could not use most programs, because some of them we could not afford, so we used alternative ones. 

One of those programs was "GIMP", a pixel editor ideal for editing digital photographs in the form of bits, is completely free and accessible because it does not use much memory, is installed on the computer you have, its design and order is very similar to the best known programs like photoshop or illustrator.


When I take photos that I like or need to detail a delivery I often use it. 

I would recommend it to anyone who likes to take photos, without the need to be studying anything related to design, as it is easy to use and in case of any doubt there are many tutorials on YouTube that can help you to edit images. 

Although, I once told a teacher that I had edited my final submission with GIMP and she told me that it was not very easy to use, but in my opinion it is very good:)


  1. Hi Dani! I had no idea it existed gimp haha ​​but it's an excellent information that I will remember for occasion! Thanks


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