
Mostrando entradas de mayo, 2022

My favorite piece of technology

My smartphone is my favorite piece of technology, and the reasons why is simple, with them I can stay connected old the times and old the places. With him i can with him connected with my family (is so necessary because I stay living in the other city), i can pay, move, listen to music, see videos, play games, see the series on Netflix, be streamed, post in Instagram and see the university´s mails. I don´t live in Santiago, i don´t know the place and for that i am in a process of adaptation and my Smartphone is the best help, with the google maps application that I have on my smartphone I can get everywhere without getting lost. Apart. With him I can also ask for help, whether it´s from the emergency room, firefighters or a friend. I recommend this piece of technology because I find that makes life easier. 💤